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Colombo, Sri Lanka
Professional Report/ Technical/ Blog/ Academic and Ghost Article Writer,Application Developer, Database Administrator, Content Creator and Project Manager in a wide variety of business & enterprise applications. Particularly interested in client/server and relational database design using MS-SQL Server & Oracle. Always interested in new hi-tech projects, as well as close interaction with the DB querying & reporting. Also a specialist in Education Management. Actively seeking the processes for merging Enterprise Lean Sigma (ELS) with IT.

Thursday 16 December 2010

And the Winners of 2010 are...

Facebook's Zuckerberg TIME Magazine 'Person of the Year'

Time named Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg Person of the Year and the move appears to have predictably sparked debate. 
"For connecting more than half-a-billion people and mapping the social relations among them (something that has never been done before); for creating a new system of exchanging information that has become both indispensable and sometimes a little scary; and finally, for changing how we all live our lives in ways that are innovative and even optimistic, Mark Elliot Zuckerberg is TIME's 2010 Person of the Year. Time also gushes that a billion pieces of content are posted on Facebook a day and it is closing on 600 million users."
On the power of Facebook: "We have this concept of serendipity—humans do. A lucky coincidence. It's like you go to a restaurant and you bump into a friend that you haven't seen for a while. That's awesome. 

Best Game of 2010

At no. 3. Aliens vs Predator

No.2 Call of Duty- Black OPS


No.1 Angry Birds

Why am I choosing simplistic game, featuring basic graphics and a simple storyline over big budget games such as Call of Duty: Black Ops?
Four reasons:

• Price- Angry Birds for the iPhone costs 99 cents 
• Playability- Angry Birds is addictive
• Low drag gameplay- I love how you can just fire up Angry Birds and dip into it for a quick game
• Regular updates

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