About Me

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Colombo, Sri Lanka
Professional Report/ Technical/ Blog/ Academic and Ghost Article Writer,Application Developer, Database Administrator, Content Creator and Project Manager in a wide variety of business & enterprise applications. Particularly interested in client/server and relational database design using MS-SQL Server & Oracle. Always interested in new hi-tech projects, as well as close interaction with the DB querying & reporting. Also a specialist in Education Management. Actively seeking the processes for merging Enterprise Lean Sigma (ELS) with IT.

Tuesday 21 December 2010

Recipes for the Holiday Season:2

Smoked Paprika Shredded Pork with Orange Fennel Marmalade


1 tablespoon plus 2 teaspoons McCormick® Gourmet Collection Paprika, Smoked  
1 1/2 teaspoons McCormick® Gourmet Collection Cinnamon, Saigon  
1 1/2 teaspoons salt  
1 teaspoon McCormick® Gourmet Collection Black Pepper, Coarse Grind  
1/2 teaspoon McCormick® Gourmet Collection Chili Powder  
1/2 teaspoon McCormick® Gourmet Collection Coriander Seed, Ground  
1/2 teaspoon McCormick® Gourmet Collection Garlic Powder  
1/2 teaspoon McCormick® Gourmet Collection Red Pepper, Ground Cayenne  
3 pounds pork butt or shoulder roast, trimmed  
2 tablespoons olive oil  
Orange Fennel Marmalade  
1 bag (11 ounces) bite-sized bowl-shaped tortilla chips  

Makes 32 (2 appetizer) servings.

Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook Time: 2 hours 30 minutes

Nutritional Information for 1 serving
Calories: 128
Sodium: 192mg
Fat: 8g
Carbohydrates: 6g
Cholesterol: 26mg
Fiber: 0g
Protein: 8g 

1. Preheat oven to 325°F. Mix seasonings in small bowl. Rub entire surface of pork with seasoning mixture. 
Place pork in foil-lined roasting pan. Slowly pour oil over pork. Cover tightly with foil. 

2. Roast 2 1/2 hours or until pork is very tender. Cool slightly. Chop and shred pork. Return to liquid in roasting pan; mix well. 

3. While pork is roasting, prepare Orange Fennel Marmalade. Serve shredded pork on tortilla chips. Top each with a small spoonful of marmalade. 

Test Kitchen Tip: Shredded pork can also be served in hamburger rolls.

Online Password Security Tactics

Recently two more large databases were attacked and compromised, one at the popular Gawker Media sites and the other at McDonald’s. Every time this kind of thing happens (which is FAR too often) it should remind the technical professional to ensure that they secure their systems correctly. If you write software that stores passwords, it should be heavily encrypted, and not human-readable in any storage. I advocate a different store for the login and password, so that if one is compromised, the other is not. I also advocate that you set a bit flag when a user changes their password, and send out a reminder to change passwords if that bit isn’t changed every three or six months. 

But this post is about the *other* side – what to do to secure your own passwords, especially those you use online, either in a cloud service or at a provider. While you’re not in control of these breaches, there are some things you can do to help protect yourself. Most of these are obvious, but they contain a few little twists that make the process easier.

Use Complex Passwords
This is easily stated, and probably one of the most un-heeded piece of advice. There are three main concepts here:
·         Don’t use a dictionary-based word
·         Use mixed case
·         Use punctuation, special characters and so on

So this: password
Isn’t nearly as safe as this: P@ssw03d

Of course, this only helps if the site that stores your password encrypts it. Gawker does, so theoretically if you had the second password you’re in better shape, at least, than the first. Dictionary words are quickly broken, regardless of the encryption, so the more unusual characters you use, and the farther away from the dictionary words you get, the better.

Of course, this doesn’t help, not even a little, if the site stores the passwords in clear text, or the key to their encryption is broken. In that case…

Use a Different Password at Every Site
What? I have hundreds of sites! Are you kidding me? Nope – I’m not. If you use the same password at every site, when a site gets attacked, the attacker will store your name and password value for attacks at other sites. So the only safe thing to do is to use different names or passwords (or both) at each site. Of course, most sites use your e-mail as a username, so you’re kind of hosed there. So even though you have hundreds of sites you visit, you need to have at least a different password at each site.

But it’s easier than you think – if you use an algorithm.

What I’m describing is to pick a “root” password, and then modify that based on the site or purpose. That way, if the site is compromised, you can still use that root password for the other sites.

Let’s take that second password:

And now you can append, prepend or intersperse that password with other characters to make it unique to the site. That way you can easily remember the root password, but make it unique to the site. For instance, perhaps you read a lot of information on Gawker – how about these:


If you have lots of sites, tracking even this can be difficult, so I recommend you use password software such as Password Safe or some other tool to have a secure database of your passwords at each site. DO NOT store this on the web. DO NOT use an Office document (Microsoft or otherwise) that is “encrypted” – the encryption office automation packages use is very trivial, and easily broken. A quick web search for tools to do that should show you how bad a choice this is.

Change Your Password on a Schedule
I know. It’s a real pain. And it doesn’t seem worth it…until your account gets hacked. A quick note here – whenever a site gets hacked (and I find out about it) I change the password at that site immediately (or quit doing business with them) and then change the root password on every site, as quickly as I can.

If you follow the tip above, it’s not as hard. Just add another number, year, month, day, something like that into the mix. It’s not unlike making a Primary Key in an RDBMS.


Change the site, and then update your password database. I do this about once a month, on the first or last day, during staff meetings. (J)

American Photography: 2010 Images of the Year

Photographs that will amaze you with artistry and astound you with originality.

Howard Schatz and was a runner-up in the Personal Project category. Schatz's photographed Mike Tyson.
Commercial Photography Winner: Scott Serfas
Commercial Photography Runner-up: Catherine Ledner
Architecture Photography Winner: Jim Shoemaker

Architecture Photography Runner-up: Douglas Ljungkvist
Student Photography Winner: Rebecca Poggiali
Student Photography Runner-up: Sean Dufrene
Student Photography Runner-up: Claude LeTien 
Landscape Photography Winner: Cameron Davidson
Extreme Photography Winner: Paul Nicklen
Extreme Photography Runner-up: Brian Bielmann

Personal Project Winner: Howard Schatz
Photojournalism Winner: Jen Judge


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