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Colombo, Sri Lanka
Professional Report/ Technical/ Blog/ Academic and Ghost Article Writer,Application Developer, Database Administrator, Content Creator and Project Manager in a wide variety of business & enterprise applications. Particularly interested in client/server and relational database design using MS-SQL Server & Oracle. Always interested in new hi-tech projects, as well as close interaction with the DB querying & reporting. Also a specialist in Education Management. Actively seeking the processes for merging Enterprise Lean Sigma (ELS) with IT.

Wednesday 15 December 2010

10 Leaders who made a difference in 2010

2010 was a rough year. We entered it fearfully. We’re leaving it, unfortunately, without a lot more confidence that 2011 will be much better.

Sheryl Sandberg, COO Facebook - Just look at the company’s results and growth.  A great COO helps the organization do what it does best, but most spend all their time trying to become the CEO.  Sandberg seems to be satisfied being a great COO - making the company more money while it engages new opportunities.
Brian Dunn, CEO, Best Buy - One of the first retail bosses to really use social media to communicate broadly. In a sector that’s been knocked down by online retail, Dunn has done a great job of reinventing the core businesses of Best Buy, and in turn, helping it succeed.  He’s taken chances and invested in human capital.
Anne Sweeney, Co-Chair, Disney Media, Pres Disney - ABC TV.  Sweeney’s considered by many to be the most powerful woman in the entertainment industry.  I am impressed that she shows great care for the development of people in the Disney group of companies; ensuring great bench strength is a mark of greatness in a leader. This bodes well for the future of Disney’s organizations.
Reed Hastings, CEO, Netflix - You may ask how a “DVD distributor” made my list.  I put him onto it because he is an amazing survivor in a business many have written off repeatedly.  Lots of bosses lack an openness to new ideas, but by all accounts Hastings encourages challenging discussions that would be too much for many leaders.
Matthew Harrington, CEO of Edelman Public Relations. Great PR has helped a lot of necessary issues and organizations to make it forward.  Harrington’s customer-first attitude is refreshing in a sector full of huge egos and BS.  I have worked with Edelman and find them to be more caring about “real issues” than any other PR organization with whom I’ve engaged.  I chalk that up to Harrington’s philosophies of leadership.
Ratan Tata, Chairman Tata Group - If you don’t know his company already, you will soon.  Tata oversees a massive empire, in many sectors worldwide. Since buying Jaguar, it’s mostly known for autos in the western world, but it’s in everything, from IT to energy, on every populated continent.  I believe the world is tilting eastward, that many westerners’ “head office” in the future will be in the east. Tata’s will be one of those.
Indira K. Nooyi, Chair & CEO PepsiCo - Any woman who gets to the top of one of the world’s largest organizations has to be extra smart.  Nooyi has shown other bosses that it’s possible to grow the business and become more green at the same time.  Smart, tough, caring she continues to befuddle many in corporate America with her risky decisions in beverage and food.
Steve Jobs, CEO Apple - I know, you’re tired of hearing about Jobs.  But he made his company into the most valuable organization in the tech sector in 2010 and he continues to delight his customers and stockholders.  Apple’s products are an acquired taste, and many others will continue to knock them off to provide “better value.”  But right now, Steve Jobs continues to set the direction of many sectors.
Alan Mullaly, CEO Ford - He turned around a company left for dead a couple of years ago and is now creating great quality and profitable vehicles. An outsider, in an industry that most said can’t survive without a “car guy” at the top. He’s used common sense while listening to the market for direction. Not much else to say.
Tony Hsieh, CEO Zappos - If you’ve never bought shoes online, try Zappos and experience customer care like was it’s always supposed to have been.  I led a shoe retail business for several years and know why most can’t make money.  Hsieh is one of the few CEOs who invest where it’s needed in each of the three main fronts - inventory, systems, and people.  He really walks the talk.  Customers love Zappos

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