About Me

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Colombo, Sri Lanka
Professional Report/ Technical/ Blog/ Academic and Ghost Article Writer,Application Developer, Database Administrator, Content Creator and Project Manager in a wide variety of business & enterprise applications. Particularly interested in client/server and relational database design using MS-SQL Server & Oracle. Always interested in new hi-tech projects, as well as close interaction with the DB querying & reporting. Also a specialist in Education Management. Actively seeking the processes for merging Enterprise Lean Sigma (ELS) with IT.

Thursday 6 January 2011

The symbol of the rivalry: Steve Jobs and Bill Gates

Microsoft versus Apple has long been the marquee rivalry of the technology industry, 
but the two companies also have a long history as frenemies. Here are their 10 greatest collaborations.

10. Microsoft launches Outlook for Mac in Office 2011

9. Apple and Microsoft spurn Blu-ray for digital downloads
8. Apple makes Safari available for Windows

7. Snow Leopard connects to Exchange

6. Boot Camp installs Windows on Mac hardware

5. Microsoft licenses Exchange Activesync for iPhone
4. Microsoft invests $150 million in Apple

3. Internet Explorer becomes the default browser on Mac

2. Apple makes iPod compatible with Windows
1. Microsoft develops Word for the original Macintosh

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