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Colombo, Sri Lanka
Professional Report/ Technical/ Blog/ Academic and Ghost Article Writer,Application Developer, Database Administrator, Content Creator and Project Manager in a wide variety of business & enterprise applications. Particularly interested in client/server and relational database design using MS-SQL Server & Oracle. Always interested in new hi-tech projects, as well as close interaction with the DB querying & reporting. Also a specialist in Education Management. Actively seeking the processes for merging Enterprise Lean Sigma (ELS) with IT.

Monday 10 January 2011

Photography Tips

Perk Up Pets Pictures:

BigC- my Pomeranian
Everybody loves to photograph their pets -- but few know how to get the most out of their furry friends. Following any or all of these tips can improve your pet photography

1) Get down and dirty. You usually see Rover and Fluffy from above, but that's not the best angle for a portrait. Instead, flop down on the floor and meet them at eye-level; this presents them as equals in the photo and reveals their personalities.

2) Light it right. Direct on-camera flash will give your pet a killer case of green-, yellow-, or blue-eye. Try to avoid direct flash: If you can, bounce the flash off the ceiling or a wall, or move the flash off-camera. Or just ditch the flash and try available light, both indoors and out.

3) Fill the frame. You've heard this one before. Fill the frame with your subject to make it prominent and to crop out any distractions.

4) The eyes have it. You might find yourself shooting with a shallow depth of field, so whatever else you do, make sure the eyes are in focus. The windows to the soul must be kept clear! 

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