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Colombo, Sri Lanka
Professional Report/ Technical/ Blog/ Academic and Ghost Article Writer,Application Developer, Database Administrator, Content Creator and Project Manager in a wide variety of business & enterprise applications. Particularly interested in client/server and relational database design using MS-SQL Server & Oracle. Always interested in new hi-tech projects, as well as close interaction with the DB querying & reporting. Also a specialist in Education Management. Actively seeking the processes for merging Enterprise Lean Sigma (ELS) with IT.

Friday 31 December 2010

'World's first 3D website' launched

British company Stereografix have launched what they claim to be the 'world's first 3D website'.But before users log on they will need a 3DTV, compatible browser and a pair of 3D glasses to enjoy the experience.

Stereografix Founder, Saif Chaudry, said that many people aren't thinking this far ahead adding that 'It's not every day you can say you're first with something where the internet is concerned'.
However, there has been some debate over whether the website's claims are true.

Google's Youtube has been offering 3D content for some time now, but the Stereografix site goes one step further with a 3D interface as well as additional content.

Mr Chaudry concluded that he thinks there needs to be 'a lot more 3D TVs and computer monitors out there before it becomes mainstream, but people aren't just going to go out and buy these things unless they've got something to show on them'.

*Source & courtesy: BCS-Chartered Institute for ITADNFCR-2575-ID-19950246-ADNFCR

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