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Colombo, Sri Lanka
Professional Report/ Technical/ Blog/ Academic and Ghost Article Writer,Application Developer, Database Administrator, Content Creator and Project Manager in a wide variety of business & enterprise applications. Particularly interested in client/server and relational database design using MS-SQL Server & Oracle. Always interested in new hi-tech projects, as well as close interaction with the DB querying & reporting. Also a specialist in Education Management. Actively seeking the processes for merging Enterprise Lean Sigma (ELS) with IT.

Monday 29 November 2010

The five most over-hyped tech products of 2010

The pace of technology innovation quickened in 2010 but there were still plenty of over-hyped products floating around.

5. Apple iPad-  The truth about iPad: It’s only good for two things, it is a very good effort for a 1.0 product.

4. Microsoft Kinect- Gates said the real innovation would be when you could play a tennis video game with your own racket in your hand instead of a game controller. To Microsoft’s credit, the company has almost entirely brought that vision to life with the Microsoft Kinect, a new add-on for Xbox 360 that is flying off the shelves this holiday season.

3. Samsung Galaxy Tab- The most innovative thing about the Galaxy Tab is that Samsung was the first vendor to finally bring an Android tablet to the mass market.

2. Google TV- The most disappointing technology of 2010 of Google TV.

1. 3DTV- It started at CES 2010 in January and carried all the way through to this holiday season. The TV vendors have bombarded the world with the message that the next big step in television is 3DTV and that you can have it today by buying their new premium TVs and polarized glasses. The problem is that neither the tech press nor the public is buying it.

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